Wednesday 19 March 2008


By now, you're probably wondering what the heck is going on in my head. So please, allow me to explain:

I've had a thought.

For the last few days, the YFC has been posting on false christians and stuff like that, such as the church (where was it) that was disputing the funeral of some girl

Well, my thought was such:

Pickles are cucumbers that have been saturated in pickle juice, transforming from cucumbers to pickles.

In the same way, and this works both ways, people are like pickles; they will pick up habits and begin to act like the people they hang around with. So if, say, a person hangs out with druggies all the time, and no one but, well, they will undoubtedly become an addict or dealer themselves. Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are druggies/exdruggies, but still...

On the other hand, if a person were to hang out with Christians all the time, then they will likely act more like them. I've noticed with myself, i tend to begin to act like the people i hang around most. Fortunately, they're pretty good people, and Christians themeselves.

Anyways, now think about this: if a person were to hang out with a combination of both Christians and non, then what will they act like? Or, rather, who?

I'll leave those two question's for you guys to contemplate. But i used the 'rogue church' i guess it could be called as only the most extreme example, (as well as because it was all i could think of...) but anyways...

I'd love to hear from you on this one, see just how crazy you think i am...:P (pretty crazy, admittedly...)

Arniwho, Have a great day all!! :D


P.S. could've called this one 'pickled people', but i though that was just way too off the deep end...hehe :P


Camden said...

Hmmm... Pickles, eh? Ever had pickled herring? NOT ME!!!! Personally, I dislike pickles, and much rather would have a cucumber. Don't worry Mike, any attempt at being crazy has succeeded! ; )


Ian said...

But...PICKLES!!! *gasp* a traaittooor......

Cucumbers are not crunchy enough. They do not make your teeth hurt and slide around when you bite them. They are not saturated in their own juice.

But they are good with mayonnaise...


Araken said...

Ugh, [shakes head]...pickles. But you make a good point, though

Ian said...


Sapphira Adi said...

Sorry, Ian, another traitor has joined the ranks. I just don't like pickles. I like cucumbers, though! Elliot and Araken, looks like I'm on you team. So is the YCF going to split up because of pickles?


Ian said...

No, I just really like pickles. Unless they're too salty...then I get REALLY thirsty, which is wierd when you're eating something juicy. Anyway, I think everyone got just a bit off topic in regardst to the actual post...:)


Araken said...

I vote that we never let something like [stifles maniacal cackling] pickles ruin our friendship. I hereby pledge never to speak out against anybody in actual wrath about pickles, just kidding.

Sapphira Adi said...

Araken. . . about that therapist. . .:) Just kidding, my friend:)


Mike said...

Not quite the conversation i'd hoped to, but w/e..

and by the way, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PICKLES??? don't you people like relish?? the way, you're ALL crazy. I'd recommend a good psychiatrist, but he's currently busily occupied with other members of my family :P

~Just*Flinn~ said...

I don't think your crazy. I think you're right.