Sunday 18 October 2009

The Battle

Over the centuries, every person ever to come into existence has fought a spiritual battle of some kind, be it large, obvious and notable, or small and almost meaningless save for those who fight them. To this day, most people will deny ever having been involved in such a thing.

But consider: if something as small as getting a cold has happened to you, and you have asked "Why does God allow this?", are you not then fighting a spiritual battle?

I'm sure some of you will say no. I tend to disagree. Allow me to explain.

The second you bring God into something, it has instantly become an object in the spiritual realm. Actually, it already was before that, in all likelyhood. But as soon as you ask "Why, God?", you have just placed yourself on the spiritual battlefield, whether you wanted to or not.

All of us experience something like this every day, regardless of how small or large a degree. The question every single person has asked is: 'Why?' Well, here's your answer:

BECAUSE SATAN WANTS YOU TO BE MISERABLE. And, sadly, in most cases succeeds. You're sick? Started with Satan. You're depressed? Started with you-know-who. Angry at God, falling away from him? Guess who? You get it.

It's times such as these that we must stop absolutely everything we're doing, and rethink EVERYTHING, and at the end of it all, and throughout, pray about it. That's the only way anything gets done. And pray out loud. I know it's sounds dumb, I too feel like a complete idiot praying aloud when I'm alone. But it WORKS. Words are essentially the key into the spirit realm, they can and will make or break...anything!

So, if you want something positive to happen, don't just pray about it and go on being a generic human being; change your attitude, your outlook on life, especially if you're depressed or angry. Negativity and negative WORDS lead to negative THINGS HAPPENING.

On the other hand, positive WORDS lead to positive THINGS HAPPENING.

The battle raging around us every single day is so much more real than most people realize; it affects everything we do, everything we are. The one good thing about it is, we have an option, which side affects us.

As I said before, being negative will basically allow the negative to happen to you. Being positive generally allows good things to happen.

Then there's the old adage, "Bad things happen to good people."

Yes, that is very true. And the question again becomes, "Why?" Why God? What have I done? Why am I suffering? Why, Why, I, I, I... Notice the pattern here?

We always ask why WE'RE suffering; almost never what God is trying to do for us, or tell us, or even why He's suffering. Therefore, the suffering of good people allows for the praise and worship of God, which is our ultimate purpose here on Earth. And, with the power of words, when we speak God's name, when we pray about things, when we command (for we HAVE the authority!!!) in Jesus name for something positive to happen, it can! And will! NOT ALWAYS, mind, but the point is, God has annointed us with authority over everything.

Matthew 17:20-21
For truly I tell you, if you have faith
the size of a mustard seed, you will
say to this mountain, ‘Move from
here to there,’ and it will move; and
nothing will be impossible for you.”

Luke 10:19
1: "Behold, I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will in any way hurt you."

Amazing, yes? This is the power and authority of God, of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour in us! He gave us THAT!

And what do we do with it? We squander it, ignore it, pretend like it doesn't exist, act like it's an evil thing every time someone dares to use it.

So don't be afraid, speak up, speak out, use the authority you have! The battle is raging around you, you are a SOLDIER IN GOD'S ARMY! Ranks don't matter here; if you have even an ounce of faith, you are already capable of doing amazing things! We have been called to do even greater things than Jesus himself once did!

So pray. Fight in the battle. Speak out in positivity. Have a loving, caring disposition, have a good attitude towards yourself, your life, your family, friends, enemies, everyone else around you. And though the storms WILL come, you and I have a rock upon which we can stand; one that is infallible, unbeatable! Call on the name of Jesus Christ, and perform miracles in his name! And recruit others, not by force but by helping them to come to faith. And keep fighting, and keep recruiting, for this life is one massive battlefield, upon which rages the mightiest war the world has ever known, and few can even begin to comprehend.

God is great!

The Power of Prayer:

Matthew 7:7 :

Ask and you will receive. Search and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive. The one who searches will find, and for the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Reason for: Faith

Hello sinners. At this point, you are all condemned to death. A most horrible death, from which there is no escape, and no return. And for you, no hope.

How many consider yourselves perfect? How many honestly believe they are without sin? For those of you reading this that do believe that, these are the questions I would direct to you.

How many of you are sitting there, with a full knowledge of every evil you have ever committed, yet do nothing to rectify your situation? For those of you reading this that know that, you should also know that you cannot possibly, of your own accord, rectify ANYTHING. And that is the question I ask you.

For those that know full well what they have done, and are trying to fix things of your own accord, why do you bother? Sincerely think about this, for there is no hope for you if you continue on this way.

And for those who know what it is they do, and ask for forgiveness on a daily basis, why do you sit here and read this, when you already know the truth? Why are you not out, doing what we as Christians are called to do, which is essentially share the Gospel with everyone?

The answers to theses questions are really quite simple: for the one that believes they are perfect, and I know they exist, it is probably a sense of incompletion, of feeling like there is still something MORE.

For those who know what they do, yet do nothing, they, too, feel incomplete, and have an overwhelming desire to redeem themselves, but they don't know how.

For those who know what they do, and try to rectify themselves, they do not fully understand the concept of 'faith', yet somehow feel drawn to the truth, that they may, finally, experience peace.

And for those who know what they do, and ask God for forgiveness daily, they read this because of an insatiable desire to constantly learn more and more about the one they worship, the one true God.

So basically, in every instance, people are reading this because of faith.

But where does that faith come from? Some people will see this, and completely ignore it, not even bother to skim over it, simply because they are completely without faith. Those are the ones who are truly lost.

Faith comes from the one who created it, the creator of everything: God.

So what is its reason for existence?

Well, the story goes something like this:

God created everything. Including man. God gave man a choice, DO NOT EAT THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Man chose the other path. Sin enters the world. God KNEW this would happen, it was part of his plan. Why? Well, I'd imagine because he wanted to be worshiped. What better way to receive that than to create a being with freedom of choice, who had a 50/50 chance of sinning, then offering said sinner a reprieve?

In other words, God created man to worship him. Part of the plan was to find a way to get man to actually do so. Could God have stopped it? Absolutely. Did he? No. Why? To create faith. What is the purpose of faith? To trust that God knows what is best, and to leave everything up to him. He's King, whatever he says goes.

So then why doesn't the entire world act like that? Because sin entered the world. Sin is like darkness: it is the absence of light. But it serves its purpose, because whoever is sinful is condemned to hell, the final death, but whoever believes in Jesus Christ and accepts him as their personal Lord and Saviour and asks for forgiveness, will be saved.

So faith exists so that God can give it to us so that we believe in him, worship him, and, eventually, live with him for all eternity.

But then, why didn't He just skip the whole drama display and set straight for the eternal life bit? Well, I don't imagine it would be very gratifying if one were to be worshiped by what they created just because. This way, there is a reason behind it all: worship God, and save our souls. God 'allowed,' so to speak, evil to be introduced into the world so that His Name may be glorified, that he might receive honour and praises and worship.

So either stay the way you are now, and leave yourself open for eternal damnation;
or, have faith, and worship and honour and glorify him in all that you do, and you will be saved.