Thursday 10 September 2009

Modern Day Martyrs: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Truth

OK. So a couple days ago, I posted on a story of a friend of a friend of mine. To recap, 16 year old girl decides to go to youth instead of follow the ways of the world. Supposed to be home 10:30 PM, never shows. Found a little later lying on the sidewalk with her head kicked in, with a letter reading: "Let this be a warning; we hate Bible thumpers." Dies later in hospital. Sad story.

And also, just one among the many stories of the unsung war in which we find ourselves. So to get down to it.

The Good:

God is good. We all know this. We all believe it. Therefore, even in an event as brutal as this, some good can come from it: the girl is now in heaven with her creator and saviour, and the family has at least that comfort.

The Bad:

Well, for starters someone died. Never a good thing in it's own right. Death is a byproduct of sin. This, however, was murder, which is even more bad. And, the forces of darkness essentially won this one.

The Ugly Truth:

WE ARE AT WAR. We're on a battlefield, shooting at something we can't see. We can hear it. We can feel it. But we can't see our enemy, which makes it that much harder to hit. Our biggest problem? We don't have a big enough army. Not enough people are willing to volunteer, and most of those who say they are simply sit around and do what? Not much of anything. We need a bigger, better trained army.

Our Weapons:

Well, the Bible and Prayer for one thing. The name of Jesus has more power than any president. Or any exploding star, for that matter. Then there are the various weapons and shields and such from the Bible:

The Armor of the Lord:

The Belt of Truth
The Breastplate of Righteousness
The Sandals of Peace
The Shield of Faith
The Helmet of Salvation
The Sword of the Spirit the word of God.

We have been called, among many other things, to take part in this spiritual battle that is penetrating every aspect of our lives. Everywhere we look, it is there. We must evangelize to A) obviously bring people to Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour, and B) we must also recruit more people, ESPECIALLY people who are already 'Christians', into this war. We must train them. Teach them. And we must continue to learn ourselves.

So I am going to make this a call for people to join forces and fight against that which tries to attack us at every move. A call to rise up, and shout the truth from every hilltop. A call to arms!

A call

For Revival.

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